I’m Famous!!!
In 2002 my comments on the proposed settlement in the antitrust case against Microsoft were cited in the Federal Register. I must be famous or something.
In late 2001 and early 2002, the Department of Justice collected over 30,000 comments on the proposed settlement for the Microsoft antitrust case, including one from me. Apparently someone actually read it, because it was one of 107 comments cited in the DOJ’s reponse filed with the Federal Register on March 18th, 2002.
Here’s my footnote, #139 (shared with Ralph Nader and the legal teams from AOL, Real, and Red Hat):
RealNetworks 24-25; AAI 25-34; SBC 91-100; Harris 4; Bast 2-3; Thomas 2-3; Red Hat 11-13, 16-18, 22-23; Alexander 2; KDE 13-14; CFA 88-89, 93-95; CompTIA 5; PFF 19; ProComp 55-60; Pantin 4-7; Palm 14-15; CCIA 85-87, and Stiglitz & Furman 31-32; AOL 34-38; AOL, Klain 2-3; Nader/Love 1-6; Maddux Paras. 2-4; Sen. Kohl 4; Lococo 1.
We are cited in support of this earth-shattering statement:
Commentors express several concerns about Section III.A.
See for yourself, browse the pdf’s from the Federal Register:
- My Comments start at the end of the first page of this pdf.
- The DOJ Response is like a 120 pages total or something. It’s big and it’s divided into 3 parts. Part 1 is linked above.
- DOJ Reponse Part 2 has my citing, search for Lococo
- DOJ Response Part 3, has the list of all comments cited, where you can verify that Nader is the Ralph Nader and that I am 53rd in the alphabetical list of comments cited.
- The DOJ Website where you can get all the skinny on the Microsoft antitrust case, including the final judgement (which did not address the shortcomings noted in the DOJ Response).
So when politics get you down… remember, democracy means that you too can have your objections noted in the Federal Register before being completely disregarded in the final decision.