Hmm… perhaps I should do the dishes.
Foo-fu and other favorites…
Hmm… perhaps I should do the dishes.
I’ve had my camera for a couple of weeks now and have been snapping away like mad. Some patterns that caught me eye…
Google likes to put cute math problems in their employment ads.The first time I saw this was when they took out an ad in the Cornell Daily Sun, and I thought it was amusing enough to clip and hang on the wall of my geek cave.
This weekend I caught the bug to solve it and see if I’m smart enough to work at Google. Apparently I’m not, because I ended up cheating when I checked my initial (and I thought correct) solution against what others had found. By the time I realized I had made a mistake, I also realized what I needed to do to correct it. I did independently fix my code (as evidenced by its extreme ugliness). Download it, smack it up, flip it, rub it down, oh no.
My Canon A70 digital camera gave up the ghost after a year a half. Luckily, the folks servicing my Staples extended warranty came through and cut me a check for the purchase price of the camera, after determining that the repair was too expensive to bother with.
Update 9/2/05: It’s worth mentioning that Staples was more of a pain than I first thought to deal with. They originally sent me a Staples gift card (after telling me I would get a check, and which arrived after I had already bought my new camera at Best Buy), and it took me over 2 months of frequent follow-up calls to get my check.
This put me in the market for another camera. I wanted something with a longer zoom. I was always trying to shoot things with the A70 that were too small or too far away to frame properly with the 3x lens. I eventually decided on another Canon, the Powershot S1 IS, which has a 10x zoom (equivalent to a 38mm-380mm lens on a traditional SLR camera). It’s only 3.2 megapixels, but since I rarely print photos I have never felt limited by resolution. After using it for a few days, I find that I enjoy using this camera much more than my last one. In addition to the big zoom, it has several features that make it fun to shoot with:
I did briefly consider getting a 5 megapixel superzoom. I even went so far as to purchase a Kodak DX7590 on impulse because it was 5 megapixels and had a big, beautiful LCD display. I ended up returning it unopened after reading that it has substandard image quality and long write delays. There are some recently released 5mp superzooms that are supposed to be very nice, but they are also substantially more expensive than the S1 IS, so at least for now I’m not second guessing my choice.
My interest was piqued when I came across this CNN story about a recent survey asking high school students, faculty, and principals about the first amendment. Even though I don’t normally post news commentary, I found some moderately amusing facts that I didn’t see noted elsewhere…
Update: CNN seems to have taken down their writeup, so I removed the link.
It’s true that the results are pretty distressing, the students did atrociously on the fact-based questions in the survey. A disturbing percentage of them also seemed willing to accept moderate or even severe limitations on freedoms of speech and press. They didn’t fare too much worse than faculty and administrators at their schools, though, and it’s hard to imagine how students could have done well given the knowledge of those responsible for their education. The poor performance of teachers was downplayed in articles about the study and is not mentioned at all in the key findings of the study itself.
The survey, partially funded by the Knight Foundation, didn’t explore non-governmental impediments to free information flow, such as consolidated media markets.
Anagrams are fun and educational. Cornell University can be rearranged to spell lots of fun things (not all of them appropriate for children). Find out which one is on the back of my car!
It kind of looks like it was stuck to the window by a three year old, but it brings me great joy nonetheless. Go play on the Internet Anagram Server, or read some of my other favorites: