Bulbous, Not Tapered

Foo-fu and other favorites…

Fun, With Punctuation

Everybody’s talking ‘bout the new sound, funny but[t]. It’s still rock and roll to me. It’s especially funny if you can sound exasperated and lisp, sort of like Napolean Dynamite meets Butthead.

I was recently contacted by a childhood friend whom I remember fondly for his Butthead impressions. He’s the first friend or foe to find me through my website, although I suspect he won’t be the last. Lately I’ve had an increasing number of where-are-they-now conversations, even with friends who typically don’t care where “they” ended up. I think we may be hitting the age when that sort of thing becomes common.

Anyway if you’ve wondered about where Sean/Christopher/Jonathan Fallon or Paul/Jeff Chenkus are now, check out their tech news blog at nerdapproved.com.

A70 Service Notice

Some time ago, I wrote about my Canon A70 digital camera failing, and the subsequent replacement adventures I went through. It turns out I wasn’t the only one, the problem was quite widespread and affected several manufacturers. The fiasco is documented in excruciating detail at imaging-resource.com, and Canon has published a service notice on the A70 product page.

The short of it is that Canon is offering to repair affected cameras at no charge regardless of warranty status. Call them up, mention the service notice and that you’d like a free CCD evaluation. They’ll ask you to go through some troubleshooting steps and if it looks like you have a bad CCD they’ll fix it for free (even covering shipping costs in both directions, which never happens).

I’m very impressed with how Canon has handled this. I experienced short hold times, and got no hassle from the phone techs. I was assured that the evaluation and shipping would be free even if the factory techs found that my camera’s problem wasn’t covered by the service notice, so I didn’t feel nervous about sending it in at all. It took about two weeks to get my camera back in good repair, and I think they fixed a slight mechanical problem with the lens cover for free as well. It’s great when a company takes a bad situation like this and turns it into an opportunity to provide great customer service. Kudos to Canon.

Anyway, now I have an extra camera. I think that the A70 will be handed down to Fio, so he can continue to develop his film portfolio.

More on Dubai

The more avid readers among you may have noticed that Hal’s posts have disappeared. It would appear that he was too honest for his own good, and he has chosen to self-censor rather than offend those who inspired him. We’ll all have to look forward to the book.

My House

…is a very very very fine house. There are, in fact two cats in the yard, although neither of them are mine. Lots of folks haven’t seen my place even though I’ve lived here almost a year, so now you can experience the experience of the comfort of my own home without leaving the comfort of your own home. It’s like magic.

Virtual tour floorplan



Living Room

Blogging the Blog

I’m going to attempt to make the transition from solo to group publication. Hal is the first additional contributor, and has already begun titillating audiences with the elegant writing style and unique perspective given voice is his recent post (yes, this thing is on).

Things will be shifting around in the next couple weeks as I do some house cleaning and make the technical changes necessary to support more writers. If this experiment is successful, we may gather more interested folk in exactly the way that a rolling stone fails to gather moss.

Keep your eyes peeled…